Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Proud to announce my Arts Council funded projects and looking at latest Covid19 updates including another self-care tips to make sure we are stat healthy mentally during the lockdown
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
This Episode is looking at some good news & another conversation of self-care
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
In this Episode it's about some feelings, missing a good conversation and a hug, plus a poem and bringing some positivity as always
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
No more negative thoughts and let's understand where we are in this situation. We need to look after ourselves and join me in my podcast and let's talk about what to do.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
I am talking to you from lockdown, Manchester, UK. I am talking to you from a new world, from where we are fighting form our lives on the planet earth. I am documenting the situation and also emotions and what we know as self care.
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
What a start to my podcast. My name is Mahboobeh and I am a Digital Artist, Theater Maker, Writer, Filmmaker and Producer.
We started a podcast workshop in Manchester by Whisper Tales and Commonword and I thought this is the time after years to actually do it and here we go, sitting in the car because my one year old is sleeping, while hubby is doing the shopping.
I promise next one's will be way better, I mean wayyyyyyyy better.
Thank you for listening